Outdoor fun whatever the weather!
The children have enjoyed their outdoor learning this week even though it has been rather wet!
P.E. and Assembly
We have been very excited this week about visiting the main hall for P.E. and assembly. We had great fun and enjoyed singing some Autumn and Harvest songs.
FS2 Super Technology Work!
We have enjoyed working on the touch screen in class and created some great self and family portraits!
Welcome Back!
We have all had a great first week back at school. We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and the areas. Also we have settled really quickly into our new routine and we are enjoying learning new things.
A busy week gardening.
We have been really busy both inside and out this week learning about how things grow and what we need to do to look after them. We have planted sunflowers, potatoes and wild flowers. Over the coming weeks we will continue to look after our garden and hopefully everything will start to…