Orienteering Fun!
Today, Year 3 and 4 visited Stokesley Secondary School to take part in a fun afternoon learning orienteering skills. Some of our pupils received awards for passion and determination. We look forward to visiting again soon.
We have been learning all about the process of mummification. All ancient Egyptians, including pharaohs, were mummified when they died. As apprentice embalmers, we have written instructions detailing how to make the perfect mummy!
Super Sporty Start!
We have made a fantastic start in PE, with football and boot camp. We hope to improve our ball skills and games strategies, as well as raising fitness levels. Some of the children have joined the football team, so we look forward to hearing all about their future matches.
Art and Poetry Extravaganza
This week, we were lucky enough to work with the artist Andy Dalton and we learnt all about how he creates art using printing. We used the poem 'Go and Open the Door' to create our own poems and then used these as a stimulus to create our own art work.
Pizza Making @ The Mill
To celebrate with a fantastic finish for our Spring Topic 'Food' the Y4/5 children made their very own pizzas! We collaborated with Alex Cook, the owner of The Mill in Stokesley. Each day a group of children went to The Mill to prepare their own pizzas and enjoyed eating them after they had been…
Italian Extravaganza!
We really enjoyed tasting a range of Italian foods. The children's favorites included focaccia, risotto and parmesan cheese but the children were not so keen on olives and balsamic vinegar! We discussed our likes and dislikes. Buon appetito!
The children have been introduced to the title of their new Power of Reading text BUT have yet to actually read any of the story as they have been busy creating and developing a plan for the writing of a Non-chronological report about their own creature. The Year Fours have been out and about to…
Our new topic
We had a great start to the term when our new topic ("Where does our food come from?") was launched. We sampled soup made from potatoes grown by the Year 4 children and made soda bread in our classrooms. By the end of the day, there was nothing left! We are looking forward to the next food…
Happy New Year...
Everyone from the Year 4 and 5 team hope that you have enjoyed your festive break. We are really excited about what 2019 will bring and we are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.