Supporting our community
The children made some beautiful Christmas cards for our local church. We have been learning about religious symbols and thought about how candle is a symbol of advent, the time when Christmas are looking forward to the birth of Jesus.
The church have kindly donated the materials for us…
Marvellous moon buggies
We have decide to help Bob the man on the moon get all his jobs done by designing him a moon buggy. We have learnt lots about wheels and axels and making sure our moon buggy can move. We thought carefully about the shape, size and materials that we used. We had to learn about how to use tools…
Moon printing
We are creating moon postcards, this is the first step in our postcard. We used lots of different printing blocks to create the texture of the moon. We thought about colour and shade too.
When our postcards are complete we will show you our finished work.
Place Value
We have been learning about place value, seeing how many tens and ones make up a number. We have been playing place value basket ball to help us practise, why not have a go at home.
You could practise making groups…
Learning about Diwali
We have been learning about the festival of Diwali and how light is a symbol for good triumphing over evil. We made our own handprint diva lights. We made them in soft squashy salt dough which became hard when we cooked it. We made them bright and colourful.
Football fun
Enjoying our football sessions with Mr Lofthouse. We are all learning lots of new skills.
Fabulous fireworks
We have been developing our computing skills creating firework art, we needed to change the brush size and colour to create the picture.
Improving our knowledge of number bonds.
We have been working hard developing our maths skills learning about parts and wholes. This is a key way that our White Rose Maths scheme supports the children to understand addition and subtraction. Understanding that a whole can be broke up into parts and that the parts will equal the whole Is…
Collage People
The children have been developing their collage skills using different materials to make their mini people. Super teamwork and lots of persistence was required, well done year 1.
Wonderful World
As you may of heard from the children, we have created our very own Year1 version of the song Wonderful World. The children have really worked hard to think of what they love about the world, and what makes it wonderful. Each child has drawn, helped to write and sung this beautiful song, and I am…
Super Self-portraits
The children have been working very hard on their drawing skills. They have been looking closely In the mirror And thinking carefully about shape, size and colour. It took a few drafts before we got it just right but we are really pleased with the finished results. Can you guess who is…
Working hard in PE
Miss McCormick was very impressed with everyone’s super effort in PE today, great job Year One.