Special Books
As part of our RE topic we have been learning about the special or sacred texts or different faiths. Last week we learnt lots about the Bible and listened to some of the stories from the Bible. This week we looked closely at the Torah, we were interested in the Hebrew letters and enjoyed trying…
Our RE topic this half term has been be,ongoing. We have learnt lots about the ways that we can show we belong to a group. We have learnt about how different religions show belonging and welcome people to their faith.
We found out about the 5 Ks and how they are important to Sikhs. We were…
Easter Measuring
Our measurement work has moved on to comparing mass and weight. We have done lots of great learning comparing using our hands and bucket balance scales. We have also been measuring mass using cubes and other non standard measures. Easter was a great opportunity to use a digital scale to measure…
Supporting our community
The children made some beautiful Christmas cards for our local church. We have been learning about religious symbols and thought about how candle is a symbol of advent, the time when Christmas are looking forward to the birth of Jesus.
The church have kindly donated the materials for us…
Learning about Diwali
We have been learning about the festival of Diwali and how light is a symbol for good triumphing over evil. We made our own handprint diva lights. We made them in soft squashy salt dough which became hard when we cooked it. We made them bright and colourful.
Wonderful World
As you may of heard from the children, we have created our very own Year1 version of the song Wonderful World. The children have really worked hard to think of what they love about the world, and what makes it wonderful. Each child has drawn, helped to write and sung this beautiful song, and I am…
The story of Christmas
Reverend Andrew and Doreen Hunt from the Stokesley Methodist Church came into today to talk to the children about Advent and the Christmas story. The children joined in the telling of the story and sharing their thoughts about this special time of year in the Christian calendar.…
Christmas Christingles.
We all really enjoyed learning about advent and making our Christingles.
Thank you!
Mrs Garthwaite and I would like to thank all the parents and grandparents who helped to support our class during our appeal to support the Foodbank. We were overwhelmed by the response and as a result the collection was gratefully received by the church who then sent it to the Middlesbrough…
The children had a wonderful afternoon at the Methodist Church. They took their offerings to support people in need as well as learnt about the importance of Harvest to Christians around the world.
Working together...
The children did an amazing job today. We were working as a team to create a collage for our classroom of our wonderful world. We chatted about all the things that we like about our world and the thinks that make it special. We talked about how we must work together to help our world stay…
Our Wonderful World
Today in their RE lesson with Mrs Bartlett the children went out exploring the school grounds, enjoying nature and looking for all of the things that they liked about their 'wonderful world'.