As the PTA, we are continually looking for new members with new ideas to join our group of parents and grand parents. Our ethos is all about raising money whilst having fun and that everyone is welcome.
Official Committee Members
Angela Park – Secretary, Children in Year 5
Abi Tyreman – Treasurer, Children in Year 4
There are 11 members that contribute to whatsapp discussions – which we find is a good way of getting everyone’s opinions without taking them away from their busy lives. Official meetings, such as the ‘annual general meeting’ which identifies the year’s plan takes place in the school.
Other meetings whilst setting up events sets out points raised in whatsapp discussions, Regular events:
Spooky Disco, Christmas Film night, Easter event, Summer Fair,
Other regular events include:
The twice yearly coffee morning and regular events priorities providing permanent play equipment supporting school trips, and Father Christmas, providing small play equipment footballs, skipping ropes etc.., supporting leavers celebrations & calculators.