Did the ancient Egyptians write?
We used hieroglyphics to write spells for 'the Book of the Dead'. Like the ancient Egyptians, we drew pictures of the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.
Did the ancient Egyptians write?
We used hieroglyphics to write spells for 'the Book of the Dead'. Like the ancient Egyptians, we drew pictures of the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.
Did the ancient Egyptians write?
We used hieroglyphics to write spells for 'the Book of the Dead'. Like the ancient Egyptians, we drew pictures of the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.
Sparkling Teeth!
We have started to clean our teeth every morning. We have a song that we like to sing that helps us to remember how to clean our teeth properly.
Outdoor fun whatever the weather!
The children have enjoyed their outdoor learning this week even though it has been rather wet!
Colourful chameleons
As part of our topic we have found out lots about different reptiles. We were all really amazed by how Chameleons can change their colour to camouflage themselves. We mixed lots of different shade and blended them using different patterns to help our chameleons hide. Can you guess whether we…
Au Cafe
Bonjour! Today we have been using the french we have been learning to create some very authentic cafe menus. More to come!
Outside of School achievement
Well done to our ShowSuperstar. We are so proud of you!
Maths Year 2
The children have been using different maths resources to support their learning. Well Done Year 2.
Electrical Circuits
This week, the children have been learning about the history of electricity, how it has impacted on our lives and how to draw a scientific circuit diagrams using the correct symbols.
The children loved making a circuit and are excited to conduct an investigation using this new knowledge…
Super teamwork
We have been learning about greater than and less than and ordering numbers by size. Today the children had to make 3 different numbers using only 10 cubes and order them from smallest to greatest. We found lots of different ways and there were lots of great discussions. Why not practise at…