Wannabe TTROckstar
Alex is our highest scoring TTRockstar! Well Done! Come on Year 3 who can be the fastest?
Rocks Everywhere!
Rock Detectives!
The children have been searching for rocks all around the school. They have been identifying if they are natural or man-made.
Place Value in Numbers
As part of our Place Value unit we have been using concrete apparatus to represent numbers with hundreds, tens and ones.
Can your child add 10 to a number using the correct mathematical language?
In our PE this week we had fun playing 'Cat and Mouse'. We also learning have been learning how to move with the ball and pass successfully. Well Done!
Working together...
The children did an amazing job today. We were working as a team to create a collage for our classroom of our wonderful world. We chatted about all the things that we like about our world and the thinks that make it special. We talked about how we must work together to help our world stay…
Orienteering Fun!
Today, Year 3 and 4 visited Stokesley Secondary School to take part in a fun afternoon learning orienteering skills. Some of our pupils received awards for passion and determination. We look forward to visiting again soon.
Orienteering Fun!
Today, Year 3 and 4 visited Stokesley Secondary School to take part in a fun afternoon learning orienteering skills. Some of our pupils received awards for passion and determination. We look forward to visiting again soon.
We have been learning all about the process of mummification. All ancient Egyptians, including pharaohs, were mummified when they died. As apprentice embalmers, we have written instructions detailing how to make the perfect mummy!
We have been learning all about the process of mummification. All ancient Egyptians, including pharaohs, were mummified when they died. As apprentice embalmers, we have written instructions detailing how to make the perfect mummy!
We have been learning all about the process of mummification. All ancient Egyptians, including pharaohs, were mummified when they died. As apprentice embalmers, we have written instructions detailing how to make the perfect mummy!
P.E. and Assembly
We have been very excited this week about visiting the main hall for P.E. and assembly. We had great fun and enjoyed singing some Autumn and Harvest songs.