Welcome Back!
We have all had a great first week back at school. We have enjoyed exploring our new classroom and the areas. Also we have settled really quickly into our new routine and we are enjoying learning new things.
Pre-Learning Tasks
Thank you to all the parents and children who completed the Pre-Learning Task about the Stone Age.
The information the children have produced is fantastic and is helping with our initial learning about the chronology of this period of time.
Sports Day Awards
During assembly today, some of our Year Three superstars received special sports day awards for sportsmanship,perseverance and success! Well done Year Three - keep up the great work!
Year 6 Production
Miss Holden and myself would like to congratulate all Year 6 children for their fantastic performance of 'We'll Meet Again'. We are so proud of you all and we cannot thank you enough for all the effort that you put in learning your lines, singing and art work. Finally, a big thank you to all those…
Cricket Festival 2019
What a brilliant day, all the children in KS1 had great fun and worked really well together. We would all like to say a huge thank you to Miss Stockdale for arranging the festival and we look forward to the next one!
Click on the link to see some of the photos from the day. …
Pizza Party!
What a great way to end the day! The whole of Year Two had a Pizza Party treat, because of their improved attendance, courtesy of Il Mulino in Stokesley!