Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
We have had a very busy week reading our class text Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We made porridge and the 3 bears came to try it!
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
This week our class text was Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We have had a very busy week making bear biscuits, porridge and writing about real bears. We learnt lots of interesting facts about bears in the wild. We are looking forward to Jack and the Beanstalk next week!
Moving Mechanisms
During DT, we investigated levers and linkages. Recently developed Maths skills were put into practise, for example, measuring and drawing straight lines to create shapes and using new vocabulary, such as horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular. Constructing the moving mechanism was…
We enjoyed a super QUADKID session today with some of the young leaders from Stokesley School. We tried our hardest at the standing long jump, 50m sprint run, 400m long run and the Vortex howler throw. It was exhausting, but brilliant fun!
Apprentice Cartographers!
This afternoon we became trainee map makers! We took a planning walk around the locality, to compile a list of Stokesley landmarks.
Fine Motor Fun!
We all had lots of fun investigating jelly, pasta, paint, water, and pomegranates! All on a red theme to fit with our book this week Little Red Riding Hood.
Parachute Fun!
We had great fun this week working together using our parachute. We had to work very hard to get the parachute to stay up in the air.
Our favourite part was going underneath and looking at all the colours.
Music Makers
Today, we all had a great time learning how to read music! We put our new skills to the test, by playing some tunes on the recorder. Finally, we played along to a pop song, using the new notes that we had practised!
Evacuation Day
The children thoroughly enjoyed our 'Evacuee Day'. We loved seeing some of the children dress up as evacuees from WWII.
The children spent the day finding out about how and why children were evacuated in WWII and we spent time researching about evacuation in our local area. The children brought…
Fabulous Flowers
This week we have been looking at Van Gogh's famous painting of sunflowers. We have been experimenting with making our own colourful sunflower paintings and models. We have been thinking lots about colour and texture.
We would like to congratulate the children on their effort and mature approach towards the recent SATs tests. We can now look forward to emerging ourselves in our new topic (World War II), our Year 6 production (We'll Meet Again) and many more fun activities.
We are extremely proud of the…