Year 2A have really enjoyed making the robot inspired from our POR book the robot and the bluebird. Well done Year 2, your robots look amazing! Click on the link below to see more robot photos.
Eggcellent Writer 22nd March
Well Done Gurtej!
You have tried so hard to add extra details to your labelled picture and explanation text this week. Keep up the hard work.
Wonderful Weather Vanes
We have been busy recording the weather each day as part of our Science work learning about weather and seasons. We decided to have a go at making a weather vane to help us know which direction the wind is coming from. It has been very tricky but there was lots of opportunity for fantastic…
Spring Blossom
Today we were looking closely at Spring blossom to create some art work to update our seasons wall. It was hard work blowing the paint to make our branches.
Comic Relief - Stay and Play
Thank you to everyone for supporting Comic Relief.
Stay and Play on Red Nose Day!
Thank you to everyone who attended Stay and Play, it was lovely to see so many of you!
Marvellous Mud Huts
Inspired by the superb mud houses models that some of the children have been bringing in from home we have been trying to make our own model mud houses from play dough and sticks. It has been a good opportunity to learn about how to make structures stronger through trial and error. It has been a…
RSPB Saltholme
The Year Two children braved the wind and the cold to visit RSPB Saltholme. The children investigated the nature reserve to spot signs of the seasons, build a nest for a dormouse to hibernate in and found out lots about birds and how birds migrate. The children listened carefully and have returned…
Eggcellent Writer
This week our Eggcellent Writing Certificate went to Skylar. She tried really hard to add details to her instructions. In her final draft she showed great perseverance to copy up with much improved handwriting. Well Done Skylar!
Year 2 has over 96% attendance!
Their reward was to enjoy a mountain of margherita and pepperoni pizza, kindly donated by Il Mulino.
100% Attendence last half term
A huge well done to all of these children who managed 'Every Day On Time' last half term. We also said a big well done to lots of children who have been working hard and have improved their attendance, keep up the good work!