Lion Facts and Pictures
We have been getting busy finding out lots about lions. We have been working together to decide which facts are true and false and using the books we borrowed to find out the answers to our questions. We have also been inspired to have a go at drawing lions, we used the chalk pastels blended…
100 % Attendance
Rory got the week off to a super start by bringing to 100% attendance certificates for all of the children who managed to do 'Every Day On TIme' last term, well done!
Library Visit
This week we are investigating lions and finding out as much as we can about these fascinating animals so that we can create our Lion Fact Sheets. So we decided that a trip to the library to find some information books would be a great way to start. A huge thank you to all those parents who came…
Marvelous Map Work
Linked to our Power of Reading Book One Day on Our Blue Planet ... in the Savannah we have been finding out a bit more about our planet. The children worked in teams to assemble a world map and then used it to help them begin to learn the names of the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world. We…
Getting to know our teen numbers.
This week we have been finding our different ways to make our teen numbers. We have been investigating how the number that we write link to the amount and have begun to find out about tens and units. We will be doing lots more work finding our about how bigger numbers are made up of groups of…
One Day on Our Blue Planet...
Today we have been getting started with our new Power of Reading book. We have been looking closely at the picture and seeing what we can spot. This week we will be focusing on finding our about the African Savannah and what we might hear and see if we were really there. Why not have a closer…
Key Stage One Nativity
The children did a fantastic job during the Nativity Performance today. Well done to all of the the children who did such a super job singing and performing. Amazing teamwork all round. Thank you to all the parents who have supported the children by practising their lines and providing…
Enterprise Week
Today we all got into our teams and began working together to make the decorations that we hope to sell at Friday's Christmas Fair. We had a very interesting discussion about how much we should sell them for and some interesting conversations about how people earn money and what happens if you…
The Big Race!
We have a winner!!! Billy and his big, smooth plastic wheeled moon buggy went the furthest. Elsa and her wooden wheeled buggy came a very close second. The qualifying races and finals were all held with a great competitive spirit and complete fairness, so a big well done to all of…
The Big Re-design
It took a few days but everybody worked so hard adding detail to their moon buggy and then testing to check it still worked well. I am so proud of how independently and imaginatively the children worked, so much problem solving and persevering until they had finished them perfectly. There were a…
Investigating which wheels worked best.
Today we investigated which wheels worked best. We wanted to make the test fair so we decided to use a ramp and make sure no-one pushed their moon buggy. We tested each type of wheel ... card, wood, plastic, metal. The we tested bumpy and smooth. Finally we tested the buggies that had…
All ready for testing.
These are the start of some of our amazing Lunar Roving Vehicles. We have made the chassis and attached the axle and wheels. When we have tested out which wheels work the best then we can complete our final design.