New Topic
We start our new topic next week. Your child will bring home their pre learning sheet tonight. It is also uploaded on our class page. We hope you enjoy having a good chat about some of the think about questions.
Jiggling jellyfish...
We have been creating 3D art with recycled materials by turning some of our left over plastic bottles into jellyfish. We cut in different ways to give the tentacles different shapes and patterns. We are hoping the jellyfish will look nice in our school garden.
Plastic, plastic, plastic!
Over half term we asked children to collect their plastic bottle lids so we could find out how many plastic bottles were used by the families at our school in just 1 week. 23 families brought in their bottle lids and we got busy counting. It was a great opportunity for us to practise grouping in…
Making our coral reef prints.
The children have really worked hard making their underwater prints. They drew the design, transferred it to a foam tile, before adding paint and making a print. It was quite a challenge to get the right amount of paint but everyone enjoyed having a go and we made lots of prints. We tried out…
Improving our computing skills.
We have been using software on the computer to learn about algorithms. We created instructions to navigate the fish through the maze and chose the right commands to create different shapes. We used the iPad to try some challenges that would test how good we were at creating simple algorithms to…
Amazing day at the aquarium...
WOW! What a fantastic day we have had. We saw all kinds of amazing sea creatures and learned lots about how important it is to look after the oceans and keep all the different creatures safe and healthy. We loved seeing the very clever seals doing their tricks, we spotted clown fish, puffa fish,…
Busy with bee bot.
We have been learning that computers and lots of other devices are controlled by algorithms. An algorithm is a set of very specific instructions that make things work in a particular way. We practised giving bee bot the right commands to get him to travel to different places on the map.
Getting a birds eye view...
This term we have been learning about maps. We know that a map is a view from above, it shows us a birds eye or plan view. This week we practised drawing simple plans to help us when we draw our maps of the town in our class story. We had to think very carefully about shape, size and position.…
Super Subtraction
This week we have been learning about all kinds of subtraction. We have been counting back, taking away as well as finding the difference between two numbers. As always the children worked really well with their buddies to play the different games and practise improve their skills.
At home…
Aquarium Trip
I have booked the aquarium visit. Details of the trip are on the letter in your child’s book bag. Please check the letter and return the slip with your packed lunch choices, Thank you. If your child did not bring home their letter please come and chat to me on Monday and I’ll send home another…
Investigating Coral Reefs
This week we have been investigating the creatures that live in the coral reefs and finding out what coral is. We have been drawing and painting the creatures that live on the reef as well as having a go at modelling coral with play dough. We have written facts that we already knew and spent…
Amazing Mental Maths
This week we have been playing some maths games on the iPads to help us get really fast at knowing our number bonds. Rapid recall of basic number facts really helps the children to do well in all of their maths as they can use facts that they know to help solve other problems. Rapid recall of…