Friction- Rice in a bottle!
In Science one group had to work out how to pick up a bottle using only rice and a spoon!! They were very pleased when it worked. They thought they would have to use water to make it sticky but soon realised that they needed to increase the friction.
Today we investigated how different surfaces have different amounts of friction. The car didn't even move until we pushed it! The quickest surfaces were the cloth and wood although we found it difficult to time!!
Year 3 Pre-Learning Tasks- Penguins!
Matthew told us all about his trip to Edinburgh Zoo to see the different species of penguins. He told us lots of other penguin facts.
Year 3 Pre-Learning Tasks- Snow Globes
Some children chose to make snow globes using different materials. They look fantastic! Well done!
Year 3 Completed Stone Age Homes
Here are some of our finished Stone Age Homes.
DT Stone Age Homes
After making our prototypes we then made changes to build our final structure. This week we then decided how to cover the house to make it look realistic but to make it strong and secure for a child to play with. Our next step is to evaluate what worked well and what we would change if we made it…
The children had a wonderful afternoon at the Methodist Church. They took their offerings to support people in need as well as learnt about the importance of Harvest to Christians around the world.
Stone Age Structures
We made prototypes to decide how we could make strong, stable structures for our Stone Age Mesolithic house.
Wannabe TTROckstar
Alex is our highest scoring TTRockstar! Well Done! Come on Year 3 who can be the fastest?