Amazing Maths
This week we have been counting forwards and backwards to 20. We have been ordering the numbers and using a numberline to help us work out what 1 more or 1 less is. On Friday your child brought home their number line please use it at home to practise finding 1 more and 1 less. Immediately being…
Our first week in Year One
A huge well done to all of the new Year One children who have had an amazing first week. They have risen to every new challenge with a smile and I am certain that we will have a really great year. This week we have been writing postcards all about our summer holiday, sorting, counting and…
Learning about grouping and sharing in Maths
This week we have been getting busy learning all about making equal groups. We have been organising larger quantities into groups of 2's, 5's and 10's to help us count them more easily. Knowing how to make and count equal groups will help us begin to learn how to multiply and divide. Why not…
Very Busy Balancing.
This week we have been learning about comparing the weight of objects. We have been using a balance scale to help us compare the weight of different objects. We have also been measuring the weight of objects using non-standard as well as standard units. We have been doing lots of teamwork,…
Wonderful Weather Vanes
We have been busy recording the weather each day as part of our Science work learning about weather and seasons. We decided to have a go at making a weather vane to help us know which direction the wind is coming from. It has been very tricky but there was lots of opportunity for fantastic…
Mathematical Pancakes!
Pancakes day seemed like a good chance to develop our knowledge of fractions so we practised cutting our pancakes in half and in quarters. Everyone seemed to understand why each quarter needed to be the same size ... 4 equal parts! Super Maths and very yummy too!
Mathematical Multi Skills
The Year One and Two enjoyed a fabulous morning hosted by Stokesley Secondary School young sports leaders. They had put on a host of fitness games with a literacy and a maths focus so that we could all get healthier and still improve our reading, spelling and number skills. The children had a…
Getting to know our teen numbers.
This week we have been finding our different ways to make our teen numbers. We have been investigating how the number that we write link to the amount and have begun to find out about tens and units. We will be doing lots more work finding our about how bigger numbers are made up of groups of…
Enterprise Week
Today we all got into our teams and began working together to make the decorations that we hope to sell at Friday's Christmas Fair. We had a very interesting discussion about how much we should sell them for and some interesting conversations about how people earn money and what happens if you…
The Big Race!
We have a winner!!! Billy and his big, smooth plastic wheeled moon buggy went the furthest. Elsa and her wooden wheeled buggy came a very close second. The qualifying races and finals were all held with a great competitive spirit and complete fairness, so a big well done to all of…
Investigating which wheels worked best.
Today we investigated which wheels worked best. We wanted to make the test fair so we decided to use a ramp and make sure no-one pushed their moon buggy. We tested each type of wheel ... card, wood, plastic, metal. The we tested bumpy and smooth. Finally we tested the buggies that had…