Learning about fractions
We have been learning lots about fractions this weeks, the children have been learning how to find a half and a quarter of a shape or quantity. There will be lots of ways you can practise this at home. Don’t forget to make sure that the pieces, or fractions, are equal. They must be the same size…
Counting in 2s
We have had lots of fun this week practising counting in steps of 2,5 and 10 using lots of practical equipment. We have made a brilliant hand print number line counting in 5s. We have practised counting aloud in 2s, 5s and 10s in lots of different ways as it takes quite a bit of practise to…
Easter Measuring
Our measurement work has moved on to comparing mass and weight. We have done lots of great learning comparing using our hands and bucket balance scales. We have also been measuring mass using cubes and other non standard measures. Easter was a great opportunity to use a digital scale to measure…
Rainbow Making
2020 and 2021 have been a year full of rainbows. The national day of reflection gave us a great chance to practise our measurement skills and make our own paper rainbow. The strips of paper all had to be different lengths and we all helped each other with this tricky new skill. It was hard work…
Marvellous Measurement
The Year One children have been working hard in Maths learning all about measurement. They are experts at comparing length and height and enjoyed learning how to measure length using different non-standard measures. We thought about what the problems with a non standard measurement were and spent…
Place Value
We have been learning about place value, seeing how many tens and ones make up a number. We have been playing place value basket ball to help us practise, why not have a go at home.
You could practise making groups…
Improving our knowledge of number bonds.
We have been working hard developing our maths skills learning about parts and wholes. This is a key way that our White Rose Maths scheme supports the children to understand addition and subtraction. Understanding that a whole can be broke up into parts and that the parts will equal the whole Is…
Improving our maths skills.
Great work today playing the caterpillar ordering game.
Marvellous Maths
Today we were really busy using the practical maths equipment to find different ways of representing numbers. We had to do lots of counting and learnt lots about how we can show the same amount in different ways.
Year 1 Essential Maths Skills
This week there are a lot of sheets and activities for you to choose from so I have put them all here as it is a bit easier to organise them, I think it would be quite confusing all in a list on class dojo, especially if you are using your phone!
As I said on the plan there is no need for your…
Counting the money we raised.
Today we really had to use all of our maths skills to work out how much money we had raised on Friday. We needed to sort the coins, and work out how many we needed of each coin to make £1. We used our ten frames to help us group the money in 10’s to make it easier to count. We were really…
Plastic, plastic, plastic!
Over half term we asked children to collect their plastic bottle lids so we could find out how many plastic bottles were used by the families at our school in just 1 week. 23 families brought in their bottle lids and we got busy counting. It was a great opportunity for us to practise grouping in…